The Bio-Hackers Secret to Optimal Performance and Health: Cordyceps Mushrooms

What is Biohacking?

Biohacking is the practice of using natural methods to optimize one's health, performance and well-being. The meaning of this word is in the name, 'bio' 'hacking', which is essentially ways of 'hacking' your biology in order to feel and perform at your best. The aim of biohacking is to enhance the body's natural functions and improve its resilience and longevity, with the ultimate goal of living a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Biohacking first rose to popularity in Silicon Valley amongst the technical engineers as a way to gain an edge over their peers. The competitive demand of their environments and a necessity to be 'on top of their game' created a need for them to feel their best every day. Methods like natural supplementation, meditation, and yoga are examples of biohacking techniques these people employed. 

Biohacking has recently gained popularity outside of Silicon Valley as its 'life-changing' benefits have been touted across social media. 

Examples of Biohacking include: 



-Red light therapy


-Intermittent fasting

-Cold water therapy

How Does Biohacking Work?

Biohacking involves a process of self-experimentation where individuals, also known as "biohackers," make incremental changes to their nutrition, lifestyle, body, or mind to achieve significant results over time. It begins by identifying the area to focus on, as sometimes traditional solutions such as a cup of coffee or an energy drink may only offer temporary relief. By researching various methods and using wearable technology, such as a smartwatch, biohackers can identify patterns and assess the impact of their actions. For example, digging into qualitative research on infrared light therapy can help improve sleep patterns. The key to successful biohacking is to utilize relevant information to track and assess the long-term impact of the changes made.

Biohacking with Functional Mushrooms

Functional mushrooms have become a popular tool for biohacking. These mushrooms have been used for centuries in traditional medicine for their various health benefits, and recent scientific research has supported their effectiveness. 

Functional mushrooms such as chaga, reishi, lion's mane, and cordyceps contain various bioactive compounds that can improve immune function, reduce inflammation, enhance brain function, and increase energy and endurance. People are incorporating functional mushrooms into their biohacking routines by taking mushroom supplements, drinking mushroom teas, and using mushroom extracts in their food. Some even use these mushrooms in conjunction with other biohacking techniques to optimize their overall health and performance. With the growing interest in functional mushrooms and their potential health benefits, it's likely that they will continue to be a popular tool for biohacking in the future.

Biohacking with Cordyceps Mushrooms

Cordyceps, a type of functional mushroom, has become increasingly popular in the biohacking community for its potential health benefits. Cordyceps has been traditionally used in Chinese medicine for centuries for its ability to boost energy and endurance. 

Recent studies have also shown that Cordyceps may have additional benefits such as improving respiratory function, enhancing immunity, reducing inflammation, and supporting weight loss*. 

People are incorporating Cordyceps into their biohacking routines by taking Cordyceps supplements, drinking Cordyceps tea, and adding Cordyceps extracts in their food. Athletes also use Cordyceps to improve their performance by increasing their endurance and reducing fatigue. Additionally, Cordyceps is being explored for its potential cognitive benefits such as enhancing brain function and focus. With the growing interest in Cordyceps and its potential health benefits, it's likely that it will continue to be a popular tool for biohacking.

Biohacking with Cordyceps for Enhanced Cognition

Cordyceps has been shown to increase blood flow to the brain, leading to improved oxygen and nutrient delivery, which in turn enhances cognitive function. Additionally, cordyceps contains compounds like adenosine and cordycepin, which have been shown to improve mental clarity, memory, and focus. By taking cordyceps supplements or incorporating it into one's diet, individuals can potentially improve their cognitive performance. Furthermore, some studies have found that cordyceps has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can help protect the brain from damage caused by oxidative stress and inflammation, further improving cognitive health.

Biohacking with Cordyceps for Enhanced Athletic Performance

Cordyceps is also popular among athletes as a potential biohacking tool for enhancing performance. It is believed to improve athletic performance by increasing the body's production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the primary source of energy for muscle contractions. 

Cordyceps also contains beta-glucans, which can stimulate the immune system and help reduce inflammation, aiding in muscle recovery and reducing muscle soreness. Additionally, it has been shown to improve oxygen uptake, leading to increased endurance and better aerobic performance.

By supplementing with cordyceps or incorporating it into their diets, athletes may be able to improve their overall performance, endurance, and recovery time. However, it's important to note that individual results may vary, and athletes should consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any new supplements into their regimen.


Biohacking has become a popular tool for individuals seeking to improve their overall health, performance, and well-being. From meditation and cryotherapy to nootropics and nutrigenomics, there are numerous ways to biohack and achieve desired results. 

Cordyceps, a functional mushroom, has gained attention for its potential to enhance cognitive function and athletic performance. With its ability to increase blood flow to the brain, stimulate the immune system, and improve oxygen uptake, cordyceps has become a popular biohacking tool. 

However, it's important to note that individual results may vary, and it's always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any new supplements into one's regimen. With careful research and a focus on tracking results, individuals can potentially use biohacking to achieve their desired goals and improve their overall health and well-being.